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How the Mentorship Program Works
Begin by filling up the Application form for enrolling in the Mentorship Program
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Create a Timeline

The journey to practice medicine in the United States is long, convoluted, and complicated.


We help you plan your journey by giving a structure to it.

And following it up!

The USMLE Exams

There are hundreds of resources, study-guides, video lectures, question banks, and apps.


We help you pick the high-yield resources that are right for you to ace the exams.

Perfecting your CV

The CV is your entire personality on a document.


We build a better and stronger candidate out of you, helping you choose the right mix of clinical experience, research, and make your CV unique. 

The Application

Too much of information is intimidation.


We make you present your story in a way that it grabs the attention of the admissions committee!


The committee interviews hundreds. How do you give them a reason to remember and rank you?


We guide you in researching the program, effectively communicating, asking the right questions, and presenting yourself with confidence and courage. 

The NRMP Match

The only thing that ultimately matters. How do you game it to your advantage?



We know how it works. 
So, we assist you in applying for the right programs, developing the right contacts, and eventually, landing where you really deserve to.

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